I’m only about half way done with my to-do list, but my mind is wandering.

Tomorrow I board a plane, then another plane, and then another plane. And then I get to see the two wonderful ladies you see below in those goofy pictures of us.

I think my heart might explode. Tan Wei & Wang Hao were my “girls” in China. We ate lunch together everyday for almost a year. They helped me buy cell phones & they listened to me complain about my teachers. They introduced me to their families & to their friends. They spoke for me when I could barely order a plate of fried rice. They went with me every time I wanted to eat hot pot but was too embarrassed to eat it by myself.

Now 1.5 years later, I get to see them again. I’m gonna step off my plane in Changsha & squee with happiness.

See you later, America. 你好,中国!